You’ve Been Writing All Wrong! Uncover the Role of Strategic Thinking in Crafting Mesmerizing Copywriting.

October 18, 2023


Jan Vasil

Have you ever stumbled upon an ad that just clicked?

It might have had a catchy tune, a memorable tagline, or perhaps a story that tugged at your heartstrings.

It’s not just about the catchy phrases or the compelling visuals. There’s a mastermind behind the scenes, meticulously planning each word, each emotion evoked.

That’s the power of strategic thinking in copywriting.

It’s the unsung hero that transforms a good campaign into a memorable one that resonates with its audience.

Strategic thinking in copywriting is similar to playing a game of chess.

Each word is a calculated move, aimed at capturing the audience’s attention, evoking a specific emotion, or nudging them a step closer towards a desired action.

It’s about seeing the bigger picture, understanding the battlefield, and making smart, calculated moves. It’s about choosing the right words, and the right message, and delivering it at the right time to the right people.

As we explore this topic further, we’ll decode the nuances of strategic thinking in copywriting, unveiling how it can be your magic ingredient for crafting compelling, impactful campaigns.

Whether you’re a seasoned copywriter or someone just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of content creation, understanding the essence of strategic thinking can significantly up your game.

Ready to explore this fascinating intersection of creativity and strategy?

Your journey into mastering the art of strategic thinking in copywriting begins now.

The Intersection of Strategy and Creativity.

Imagine walking into a room filled with chatter, each person trying to voice their thoughts.

It’s loud and chaotic, and getting your point across seems like a Herculean task.

Now, what if you had a megaphone? Suddenly, your voice pierces through the cacophony, reaching ears across the room.

That’s what strategic thinking does to creativity in copywriting. It amplifies your message, making sure it doesn’t just blend into the background noise.

In the bustling marketplace of ideas, having a creative spark is essential. It’s what makes your message unique, relatable, and engaging.

However, creativity without strategy is like a ship without a compass; it may sail, but it’s directionless.

Strategic thinking is the compass that guides your creative ship, ensuring your message reaches its intended destination.

It’s about being deliberate with your creativity, making sure every whimsical idea and every bold statement is aligned with a clear objective.

Now, let’s take a real-world scenario.

Imagine two ads; one is visually stunning with a catchy jingle, but it’s unclear what it’s selling. The other may not have the razzle-dazzle, but it clearly communicates its value proposition and resonates with the audience’s needs and desires.

The latter is an example of creativity married to strategy. It’s not about being the loudest in the room; it’s about being the most memorable.

And that’s where the beauty of strategic thinking in copywriting lies; in its ability to turn creative sparks into resonating, impactful messages.

Components of Strategic Thinking in Copywriting.

Understanding the Audience:

You wouldn’t talk to your grandma the same way you’d talk to your best buddy, right?

Every audience has its unique language, pain points, and desires. In the copywriting cosmos, understanding your audience is the cornerstone of crafting messages that hit home.

It’s about getting into their shoes, seeing the world from their eyes, and then crafting a message that resonates.

Market Research:

Ever walked into a room and realized halfway through a conversation that it’s a costume party and you’re the only one not dressed up?

That’s what stepping into the market without research feels like.

Knowing the market trends, consumer behaviors, and current conversations helps in tailoring a message that’s not just relevant but timely.

Goal Setting

Setting goals is like having a destination plugged into your GPS.

It gives your creative journey a direction, ensuring every word penned down is a step towards the desired outcome.

Whether it’s driving traffic, increasing engagement, or boosting sales, having clear, measurable objectives is crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of your copy.

Having clear, measurable objectives is crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of your copy.

Competitor Analysis

Remember the school days when you’d sneak a peek at the topper’s paper?

Competitor analysis is somewhat similar, but legal. It’s about understanding what others in your domain are doing, finding the gaps, and positioning your message uniquely.

It’s not about copying but getting inspired and finding your unique selling proposition.

Tools and Techniques for Strategic Thinking.

SWOT Analysis

When venturing into the market with your message, it’s akin to stepping onto a battlefield.

A SWOT Analysis is your reconnaissance mission.

It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

This simple tool can give you a bird’s eye view of where you stand in the market landscape. For instance, let’s say you’re a small coffee shop.

A SWOT analysis might reveal that your strength lies in your unique, locally sourced blends, while a threat could be a big franchise opening nearby.

Customer Persona Creation

Creating a customer persona is like sketching a detailed portrait of your ideal customer.

It’s about understanding their demographics, psychographics, preferences, and pain points.

For example, a study showed that 63% of consumers expect personalized brand experiences (source: Salesforce).

Crafting a persona helps in personalizing your message to resonate with the audience.

Content Calendars and Planning Tools

Planning is a huge part of strategic thinking.

Tools like content calendars help in organizing your copywriting campaigns.

Knowing what message goes out when, and on what platform, is crucial for success.

For instance, studies show that posting on social media during specific times increases engagement (source: Sprout Social).


The beauty of digital marketing is that everything is measurable.

Tools like Google Analytics can provide insights into how your copy is performing.

Are people engaging with your message? Are they taking the desired action?

Data doesn’t lie and can be an invaluable guide in refining your strategy.

Data doesn’t lie and can be an invaluable guide in refining your strategy.

Implementing Strategic Thinking.

Stepping into the realm of strategic thinking might seem daunting, but fear not!

It’s all about breaking it down into digestible chunks and taking one step at a time.

Here’s how you can start implementing strategic thinking into your copywriting endeavors, along with some handy tips:

1. Blueprint Your Message:

  • Start with the end in mind. What’s the core message you want to convey?
  • Tip: Sketch a simple outline of your message, highlighting the key points you want to cover.

2. Know Your Audience:

  • Dive deep into understanding who your audience is, what resonates with them, and how they interact with content.
  • Tip: Conduct surveys or utilize social listening tools to get a pulse on your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

3. Set Measurable Objectives:

  • Having clear, measurable objectives will help you gauge the effectiveness of your copy.
  • Tip: Utilize the SMART goal framework – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

4. Eye on the Competition:

  • Understanding what your competitors are up to can provide invaluable insights.
  • Tip: Conduct a competitive analysis to identify gaps and opportunities.

5. Test, Learn, and Optimize:

  • The digital world is your oyster, offering endless data to learn from.
  • Tip: A/B testing is your friend. Test different messages, analyze the results, and optimize for better performance.

6. Stay Updated:

  • The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial.
  • Tip: Subscribe to industry newsletters, follow thought leaders on social media, and attend webinars or workshops.

7. Seek Feedback:

  • Don’t shy away from feedback. It can provide fresh perspectives and valuable insights to improve your strategy.
  • Tip: Create a feedback loop with your team or trusted peers to continuously improve your copywriting strategy.

Implementing strategic thinking is like flexing a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Start with small steps, learn from each endeavor, and gradually, you’ll see your copy not just shining but resonating deeply with your audience.

Case Study 1: Strategic Copywriting for a Coaching Business

In the first case study, a coach named April faced challenges with her copywriting process.

Her approach was simplistic, lacking a defined structure which hindered the effectiveness of her messaging, especially as her business evolved over time.

The problems were identified as:

  • Lack of a defined process for copywriting.
  • Inability to communicate effectively with her evolving client base.

The solutions implemented were:

  • A big-picture strategy was devised first, followed by writing a highly intentional sales email sequence, keeping in mind the end goal and reverse engineering from the Call to Action (CTA).
  • Efforts were made to understand the language of the Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) by collecting testimonials, social listening, and creating a Master Messaging Document based on the feedback received.

As a result, April could align her messaging with her evolving brand and client base, which enabled more meaningful conversations with potential clients​1​.

Case Study 2: Improving Click-Through Rates (CTR) through Thoughtful Copy

In the second case study, a large international company offering press releases to bloggers collaborated with MECLABS Institute to improve their CTR to a product page.

The primary strategy was to control the thought sequence with a clarified copy.

They conducted an A/B test to identify which headline would generate the highest click-through rate.

The original headline was “Drive More Traffic to Your Blog,” while the treatment had the headline “Get More Readers as Early as Tomorrow.”

This small tweak in copy led to a 321% relative increase in conversion​2​.

These case studies underline the importance of strategic thinking in copywriting. By understanding the audience better, planning the messaging carefully, and being willing to test and optimize the copy based on data, both cases saw significant improvements in their respective objectives.


Strategic thinking in copywriting isn’t just about catchy phrases or visuals; it’s a well-thought-out plan guiding your creative process.

It helps your message cut through the noise, reaching the right audience effectively.

As seen in real-world examples, blending strategy with creativity can yield astonishing results.

With the tools and insights discussed, you’re now better equipped to navigate the bustling marketplace of ideas.

So, as you craft your next copy, remember to pack your strategic thinking compass—it could be the game changer in making your message resonate.

Ready to transform your copy into a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience?

Dive into the world of strategic copywriting with my expert services.

I am here to help you craft messages that not only captivate but drive action.

Written by Jan Vasil

As a CMO at a digital agency The Digital Pug, I'm passionate about SEO and blogging, and I'm always striving to stay ahead of the latest trends in digital marketing. In my spare time, I like to play golf, listen to music, and hang out with my black pug. I take great pride in providing my clients with top-notch marketing strategies to help them achieve their goals.

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