Cut the Noise: Or When AI Tools Suck!

February 23, 2024


Jan Vasil

During the last few months, the AI business has risen significantly. The latest projections say that the AI market will be around $1.59 trillion by 2030.

On the other hand, not every tool that pops up is worth using. Some of them can deliver initial promises like ChatGPT, GROQ, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Gemini, or Copilot from Microsoft.

Truth to be told, some AI tools suck! And I mean it.

The Hype Around AI Tools

There’s a lot of excitement about what AI can do these days. You’ve probably heard stories about AI writing amazing articles or figuring out complex problems all by itself.

Some even say AI can do almost anything, like making your morning coffee (though, I wouldn’t hold my breath for that).

But let’s take a step back and think about it.

All these amazing stories – are they true?

Sure, AI is pretty smart and can do a lot of cool stuff.

But sometimes, what we hear is more like a fairy tale than the real deal.

AI is great, but it’s not magic. It’s a tool that can help us do things better and faster, but it’s not going to solve every problem under the sun.

Reality Check: When AI Tools Suck

Not all that glitters is gold, and AI tools are no exception.

Here are a couple of firsthand experiences that shed light on the limitations of AI:

The Web Design Wizard That Wasn’t

I recently tested an AI tool for web design, lured by the promise of having a full website ready in minutes.

The result?

A few lines of text were broken into headings and paragraphs, with no design elements in sight. Yes, the tool had the option to adjust the design by adding images, videos, or buttons.

To be very honest, I could have done this much faster by installing a WordPress theme that already has the elements created, and just replacing the text.

The solution was far from the promise and disappointed me so much, that I lost any motivation to test it further.

Take a look at the full video review.

Instagram Carousels Missing the Mark

Another experiment involved a tool designed to churn out Instagram carousels in seconds.

So I gave it a try.

I have signed up for the free trial and jumped into the menu. I adjusted the fonts, colors, and the layout. All this was done with premade templates.

Then I hit “create” and waited for the result.

While this tool delivered on its promise of speed, the end product was quite average.

The final carousels lacked personality and flexibility, serving as a reminder that AI still struggles to replicate the nuanced creativity humans bring to the table.

Cutting the Noise

When it comes to AI tools you have to be aware of their weaknesses.

Here are some common ones:

Understanding the AI Tools

  • Data Bias: Imagine AI as a sponge soaking up everything. If it soaks up dirty water (biased data), it’s going to squeeze out dirty water too. We need clean, unbiased data for AI to work its best.
  • Missing the Plot: At times, AI can be like that friend who nods along but hasn’t caught a word. It tries to help but ends up giving you something totally out of left field because it missed the context.
  • Overdependence on AI: Putting all your eggs in the AI basket? Risky. It’s like using a hammer for every repair job; not everything is a nail. We need the human touch to spark true innovation.
  • The Integration Tango: Making AI dance to your business’s rhythm isn’t always smooth. It’s like trying to teach an old dog new tricks; patience and effort are key.

Staying Smart with AI: The Lean Genius Strategy

My latest philosophy is all about using tools that can deliver results. There is no need for you to test or use each tool that pops up.

Even Neil Patel mentioned in his previous newsletter, that you shouldn’t use every AI tool.

I prefer focusing on a few big players, like Gemini and ChatGPT. With their capital and engineers, they will eventually have all those functionalities anyway… you may just have to wait a few months. 

Neil Patel

Save yourself some time and master the one AI tool you are already using.

Even when the new update or similar tool can deliver faster results by 0.1 seconds stay with yours.

Go and try a new one only if it can significantly improve your workflow, and creativity or save you money.

For me, those tools are ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Canva.

This combo serves me well and there is no need for a change or upgrade.

At least not for now.

The Lean Genius Way

I mentioned briefly “The Lean Genius” way in the previous section.

Let me explain it to you further.

In the past 6 months, I have learned that not all things that glitter are gold. (seems that I found my new favorite statement :)).

Meaning, that not every tool has the power to change the world or help you.

If you lack creativity, there is no need to search for an AI tool to improve it.

Open up the free AI chatbots like Gemini or Copilot, and find a way how these tools can help you become more creative.

The same goes for presentations, carousels, spreadsheets, and so on.

Yes, there is a tool for everything. On the other hand, you do not need to spend dozens of hours searching for the best solution.

Jumping from one tool to another will only cost you time, energy, and money.

Simplify your workflow, and learn to master the most common tools.

If you need help with finding the best solution for you or your business, let me know in the comment below. Or if it’s more comfortable reach out to me on my social media.

I will be happy to assist you.

PS: If you are reading this I just want to say thank you for your time. I hope you found something valuable in this article.


Written by Jan Vasil

As a CMO at a digital agency The Digital Pug, I'm passionate about SEO and blogging, and I'm always striving to stay ahead of the latest trends in digital marketing. In my spare time, I like to play golf, listen to music, and hang out with my black pug. I take great pride in providing my clients with top-notch marketing strategies to help them achieve their goals.

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